

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

first ever..

ok so this is my first blog.. well i guess the best place to start off would be with me although i don't want to put in too much personal stuff b/c you never know where the crazies are out there and i'd hate to be attacked and raped b/c of something i put on a blog. yeah.. that'd be bad.

so i'm jessie. i'm 20. i don't like to mash the "shift" key so i try to avoid it as much as possible hence the no capitalization.. i think it makes me stand out.. or it just makes me look lazy, either/or.. i'm good.

i like to write.. mostly i like to write stream of consciousness stuff which if you don't know is just writing what ever comes out of your head in no particular order or style. that's me to a T. i'm very much just a "stream of consciousness" kind of girl.. i say what i'm thinking and usually regret it and i get distracted easily when i'm not really focusing.

i do not have ADD or at least i've never been diagnosed, but i have struggled with depression a lot of my life.. that stems from quite a few things that have happened in my life which i'm sure i'll talk about eventually b/c all things from the past come back to haunt you right? i think they do, unless you fight them off which i try to do.. i sincerely hope that the past won't repeat itself with my family in the future.. and maybe, just maybe it'll all be ok..

contrary to what the above paragraph may sound like, i am a happy person.. i'm EXTREMELY fun to be around and if you don't believe it then just ask me.. haha!

i like music and movies and will debate the ending of LOST with anyone for hours b/c that show just fascinates me. i love the Harry Potter books and movies and i love Twilight (don't hate!) but i also enjoy reading other stuff so if someone has read a good book and would like to recommend one i'm totally game!

well i believe this is long enough for one post and i'm sure i'll write more soon!


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