

Saturday, July 24, 2010

there's a slight rant about to happen..

so this year has pretty much sucked big hairy ones for me and my family.. it started with the divorce of my parents last november and then my dad announced his engagement this june, much to my dismay, and then this wednesday we found out that my mom lost one of her jobs.. yes she has multiple jobs.. sometimes that's just what ya have to do..

all in all i have every excuse to just quit life and be a hermit in a cave somewhere which, believe me, sounds like an excellent idea.. but instead of running away or panicking (which also sounds great right about now) i'm just going to trust.. i'm going to trust that my God will see me through this and my family will be ok.. we will get through it because God promises that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord.. that's in the bible Romans 8:28 if ya wanna check it out .. i'm sure i butchered the quoting of it but you get the picture

i can't give up on life because it's not mine to give up anymore.. i gave my life to Christ when i was younger and now it's not mine, it's His.. and since i am His i know that everything will work out and He will take care of us..

but i still find it really hard to trust.. i feel like i should be able to handle everything on my own and not need to hold on to God, but maybe.. just maybe that's why He's allowed all this to happen to me this year.. maybe He's trying to show me that i need him.. that it's not just my life anymore .. it's His too..

this year has been an awful one and things have happened that in my wildest of nightmares i would never have thought possible, but the one thing i know for sure deep down in my soul is that God does love me will all His heart and he will take care of me

do you believe it??

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