

Friday, November 12, 2010


I’m 20 years old.  I am a normal college student who works a part-time job and goes out with friends on weekends.  I am a Christian.  I go to church every week, but do not pretend to be anything more than a sinner saved by God’s grace.  I have drunk before, but do not now.  I have smoked before, but do not now.  Oh, and I’m a virgin.

I’m a virgin by choice! Let me make that very clear very quickly.  I’ve had friends say to me “It’s ok Jessie, I know you’ll ‘lose it’ when you meet that special guy.  You just haven’t got there yet.”  This statement infuriates me!  It does so simply because it makes me seem like a loser who just can’t get a guy to “do it” with me.  I’ve had opportunities both in high school and college to have sex.  I chose not to.  I believe that sex is a special act that should be reserved for a married couple.  That is, a couple married to each other and not other people lest anyone should try that loop hole.  This is not something that I take lightly at all, although my friends and I often joke about sex and losing our virginity. 

The idea of saving yourself seems so old-fashioned now doesn’t it?  Even in a recent movie (Twilight: Eclipse, which I loved!) the leading female character talked about waiting as “an ancient custom.”  This made me kind of mad.   Scratch that, I was most definitely quite angry.   There ARE other people out there who have chosen to wait.  I know we are few and far between, but we are out there and it’s not fair to make us seem like lesser people because we don’t put out.  I have several close friends who are well into their twenties and are still virgins.  One friend of mine is 28 and he (yes it’s a HE!) is waiting until marriage to have sex. 
There are many reasons in favor of waiting until marriage to have sex.  One is slightly obvious: there’s significantly less risk of STD if you know that your partner has never been active and neither have you.  Two: there is less expectation from your partner.  You don’t have to worry if he is more experienced than you are or whether he’ll think you’re an idiot because you’re both clueless that first time and you can stumble through it together.   This brings me to point three:  when you wait, you and your partner get to share something together that belongs specifically to you.  No one else will have what you two have because you’ve only experienced it together.  That fact will not only bring you two closer as a couple, it will bond you as a family unit.

God put man and woman together in marriage for a reason.  Making babies is part of it, yes, but that’s not the only thing God wanted us to get out of sex.  He wanted sex to be a way for a wife and husband to feel completely together, like one whole entity.  In the bible when sex is referenced, it’s referenced as “becoming one” with or “knowing” someone.  Those are both terms of connection and isn’t that what every woman wants from her husband, to be fully connected and able to communicate freely without judgment or ridicule?  Sex is God’s way of giving us that opportunity to be totally connected to our partner both physically and emotionally. 

The emotional bit is what most girls my age don’t understand.  They think that sex is just the logical next step in a relationship.  Granted, it is A next step, but it doesn’t always have to be THE next step.  There is no law that says you have to have sex with this guy just because you’ve been dating for so many months or years.  Someone please show me where that’s written down.  Sex should be the next step only after you and your partner have made life-long commitments before God and man to be together.  Sex is often describes as giving away a piece of your soul to someone else.  I’ve heard this from my pastors and family members I don’t know how many times and the more I look at girls today, the more I believe them.  Girls, you only have one soul, one heart to give to someone, so why would you split it between countless guys?  Wouldn’t it be much better to wait and give your heart and soul to the one man who has promised to love you and care for you “till death do you part?” 

If someone is reading this thinking, “gah! You prude! I’ve already had sex. Am I going to hell now?”  My answer to you is “Maybe, maybe not.”  I don’t know you’re spiritual situation, but I do know that the fact that you had sex before marriage won’t send you to hell.  Only not believing in Christ can send you to hell, but that’s another sermon for another day.  I don’t want to bash girl who’ve had sex before marriage, just the same as I don’t want them to bash me because I haven’t.  Any girl can ask that she be treated the way I want to be treated by my husband whether she’s a virgin on her wedding night or not.  You just have to be faithful to your husband and require that he be faithful to you.  And maybe someone out there is saying, “I want a relationship like that.  I want him to be my ‘only’ and me to be his ‘only’ even if we aren’t each other’s ‘firsts’.”  You can totally have that!

The other option to being a virgin is being what I like to think of as a ‘repented virgin.’  This would be someone who has admittedly made mistakes in his or her past and is sincerely regretful about them and wants to “start over” as it were.  If you’re already a Christian then this is easy, simply ask God to forgive you and then you stop.  You have to stop the partying and the sleeping around.  You have to be different.  Keep yourself pure in your next relationship.  If your boyfriend can’t handle it then maybe he isn’t the “one” and that’s a good thing.  If he can’t respect your wishes NOW, then how will he ever respect you when you’re married??  Think about it.

Sex is not a toy.  It is not a game or a bargaining chip or a thing to be taken lightly.  Like your virginity, sex is special. And as cheesy as it sounds, sex a gift, not necessarily to someone else, but from God to you.  He gave us that gift so we could show the love of our life how much they mean to us.  And make babies with them of course.  :-)

Monday, August 16, 2010

the last day of the beginning of my life..

this was written July 31

Today is the day that my life as it was officially ends. My dad is getting married. To a woman who is not my mother and I could not be more heartbroken. I play like I'm happy for him to his face and to my mother's face I play indifferent. But inside I'm breaking apart piece by piece. Its killing me to see my family die. Its irreparably broken and fatally wounded. I know we were never a happy happy family but we were together and that was how it was supposed to be.
I have a theory. God ordains marriage right? But a judge grants divorce. I don't think in Gods eyes you can be divorced ever really. Only in mans eyes. So in Gods eyes my dad is cheating on my mom. And that's exactly what it feels like to me.
I could totally be wrong about my theory but it helps me to sort of sort things out for myself. I guess.

new new new

Everything in my world is new..
well mostly..

actually the only thing that's new is my place of dwelling.. i moved out of my mom's house last week and into an apartment (which i love!!)

my roommates take a bit of getting used to, but i think it's all going to work out quite nicely and it's what i needed at this point in my life.. which is to get away from my family for a while.. and i don't miss them

is that bad? that i don't miss my parents or my brother.. i take that back . i miss them sometimes so i go visit them and within a couple of hours i'm irritated again and want to go back to my own place .. that's nice!  :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

been a while..

so sorry.. this week has been the worst week of my life so far and it's only wednesday .. well technically it's thursday now, but let's not get nit-picky..
  • for starters i've worked every night except 2 and those i have other (not fun) obligations
  • i got into a fender bender today .. BMWs suck btw
  • i have a test thurs. and a final on friday
  • which also happens to be the day of my dad's wedding .. (joy bliss and happiness, not)
  • i'm supposed to be moving out of my house into an apartment and i have NOTHING packed..
i'm stressed to the max here..

maybe next week will be better.. it's got to be

Sunday, July 25, 2010

have your cake .. but ya can't eat it!

ya ever been in a situation where something was happening and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.. well i never have been

until now

for as long as i can remember i've pretty much gotten what i wanted.. never got a horse or a swimming pool or a trampoline, but other than that i have.. i got the car for graduation and the laptop i wanted.. i get money when i ask for it even though it's never as much as i want (waa waa huh?) i've always been able to have my cake and eat it too.. it's never been a problem..

but now i'm finding myself in a situation that i don't like and don't want and didn't ask for .. and worst of all there's nothing i can do to stop it..
  • i can't make my family work right
  • i can't make my parents get back together
  • i can't tell my dad that i don't want him to marry this woman
  • i can't tell my mom how upset i am at all of this b/c then she would be upset too
  • i can't run away or cut my dad out of my life b/c he won't let me (now that he's realized that him being gone all the time is why we have no relationship he's trying to be father of the year all at once and it's driving me nuts!!)

so what is my answer .. what can i do.. nothing. that's what.. i have to sit here and realize that my life is not working out the way it was supposed too in my head .. and that opens the door of "well if this isn't working out right then what about my other plans??" my plans of becoming a doctor and marrying an amazing man who thinks i'm the best thing since play-doh.. what about my plans of having enough money to make my family comfortable and secure, of having a nice Jeep to drive and living in a house of my own design across the road from my mom.. what about those dreams and aspirations.. should i just give up on them? should i quit dreaming b/c of this nasty bump in my road??

i don't know ... but i know that i want to have my cake and eat it too.. i want my life to be abundant and fantastic..

i want it all.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

there's a slight rant about to happen..

so this year has pretty much sucked big hairy ones for me and my family.. it started with the divorce of my parents last november and then my dad announced his engagement this june, much to my dismay, and then this wednesday we found out that my mom lost one of her jobs.. yes she has multiple jobs.. sometimes that's just what ya have to do..

all in all i have every excuse to just quit life and be a hermit in a cave somewhere which, believe me, sounds like an excellent idea.. but instead of running away or panicking (which also sounds great right about now) i'm just going to trust.. i'm going to trust that my God will see me through this and my family will be ok.. we will get through it because God promises that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord.. that's in the bible Romans 8:28 if ya wanna check it out .. i'm sure i butchered the quoting of it but you get the picture

i can't give up on life because it's not mine to give up anymore.. i gave my life to Christ when i was younger and now it's not mine, it's His.. and since i am His i know that everything will work out and He will take care of us..

but i still find it really hard to trust.. i feel like i should be able to handle everything on my own and not need to hold on to God, but maybe.. just maybe that's why He's allowed all this to happen to me this year.. maybe He's trying to show me that i need him.. that it's not just my life anymore .. it's His too..

this year has been an awful one and things have happened that in my wildest of nightmares i would never have thought possible, but the one thing i know for sure deep down in my soul is that God does love me will all His heart and he will take care of me

do you believe it??

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

first ever..

ok so this is my first blog.. well i guess the best place to start off would be with me although i don't want to put in too much personal stuff b/c you never know where the crazies are out there and i'd hate to be attacked and raped b/c of something i put on a blog. yeah.. that'd be bad.

so i'm jessie. i'm 20. i don't like to mash the "shift" key so i try to avoid it as much as possible hence the no capitalization.. i think it makes me stand out.. or it just makes me look lazy, either/or.. i'm good.

i like to write.. mostly i like to write stream of consciousness stuff which if you don't know is just writing what ever comes out of your head in no particular order or style. that's me to a T. i'm very much just a "stream of consciousness" kind of girl.. i say what i'm thinking and usually regret it and i get distracted easily when i'm not really focusing.

i do not have ADD or at least i've never been diagnosed, but i have struggled with depression a lot of my life.. that stems from quite a few things that have happened in my life which i'm sure i'll talk about eventually b/c all things from the past come back to haunt you right? i think they do, unless you fight them off which i try to do.. i sincerely hope that the past won't repeat itself with my family in the future.. and maybe, just maybe it'll all be ok..

contrary to what the above paragraph may sound like, i am a happy person.. i'm EXTREMELY fun to be around and if you don't believe it then just ask me.. haha!

i like music and movies and will debate the ending of LOST with anyone for hours b/c that show just fascinates me. i love the Harry Potter books and movies and i love Twilight (don't hate!) but i also enjoy reading other stuff so if someone has read a good book and would like to recommend one i'm totally game!

well i believe this is long enough for one post and i'm sure i'll write more soon!
